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Monday, August 27, 2007 |
Eniwei, skrg gw lg mo coba cpt2 selesaiin HR proj. Pdhl cuma butuh 1800 kata2 doang. Gt dikit. Tp gw males bgt utk buat....Sering d drag2 sampe akhirnya deadline dah deket bgt *Tarik nafas dlm2* Jadi males skul nih! LOL. Pengen kae iyun. Mau memperdalam bidang yg gw tertarik. Kalo gw bljrin apa yg gw suka, pasti bs jago dgn cepat deh. Hehehe. Kalo suka ama sesuatu, pasti kan napsu utk bljrnya. Knp skul itu mesti bljr macem2 yg aneh2? LOL. Dah gt ada exam n projek pula. Siapa yah yg pertama kl memperkenalkan projek n exam? Kok bs kepikiran utk kasih murid2 itu semua supaya bs naek kelas. Hahaha. Yah wis lah. Ngmg2, tmn gw dah mulai kasih hubungan gw n dia. Huehehehe. Tp dia suruh gw supaya lbh terbuka n coba liat kalau sifat dia msh sama sperti skrg. Yah pasti lah yah...Karna blkgan ini, semua yg jelek2 jg dah kuar. Kaenya gw yg asli pun ngga seberapa mengerikannya sperti monster, ampe mesti byk yg gw umpet2in dr dia deh? Cuma mungkin pertama nya dia ngga tau kl gw gampang ngambek. Sry yah kl gw suka bikin kewalahan. Dah gt gw jeles-an orgnya. Mungkin itu karna gw emang bkn org yg PD. Yah mestinya sih dia tau itu dr awal. Hahaha. Mudah2an aja dia bs tahan ama kekurangan gw yg 1 ini. Karna gw tau kl sifat gw yg kae gini bs bikin org ilfil :( Gw syg ama dia :) Gw lg nunggu bbrp saat lg utk gw bs terbuka ttg hub. kita ber2 ini. Hehehe. Oh iya!! Mudah2an iyun jd dtg. N jg mudah2an rencana k rusia bln dec jadi. GW mau maen salju!!! Hohohoh. Tp mesti tinggalin dia utk 1bln T-T Cobain utk bs maen2 k Jkt ok say? |
Vell Signed off ♥ 10:16 AM |
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 |
Skrg sih...Lama2 jadi tau org aslinya kae apa. Gw yg asli jg dikit2 makin muncul. Itu karna dia nya jg gt, jadi gw berani. Iseng2an segala macem yg konyol2. Bt still....Ngga abis pikir gw. Kok bs yah? Hahaha. Pertamanya ktemu, gw pikir yah cpt ktemu, cpt selesai kl emang ga suka. Ga taunya...besoknya d ajak ktemuan lg. Lama2...tiap hr ktemu. Kuar2 bareng bbrp kl, terus jadi...Kecptan ngga sih? Kl gw tanya dia, dia blg...Mana cpt sih? Pdktnya udah lama. Hm...1bln sih cpt kalo menurut gw. Karna terlalu cpt itulah gw jadi merasa makin ngga aman. Takut kejadiannya cpt dpt, cpt ilang. Gt loh. Tsk...pusing dah. Dah gt, awal2nya dia kae gt tuh...apa karna post d blog gw yg seblm kita ktemu yah? Karna dia tau kl gw takut. Gmn dong? Ngga pernah tenang deh. Tp selama ini...kelakuan dia terhadap gw sih bae lah...Ngga bs d pungkiri. Tp karna dia punya bbrp mantan seblm ini...Gw jadi makin ngerasa terbebani. Terlebihnya lg, mantan2nya mayan cakep2. Wadaw! (sbenernya sih br liat 1 doang :p) Kl gw blg gw ga ngerasa apa2 waktu topik ttg mantannya kuar, itu sih gw ngebohong. Jd kdg2 gw suka down pas dia ngmg sesuatu ttg mreka. Tsk...Ngga bagus nih kl gw gini terus. Argh! Mo gmn lg...Gw kan ngga PD T-T Oh my Tuhan. Ahahahahha! Eniwei...ktemu tiap hr gini...bkl bikin dia bosen ngga yah? Harus d kurangin kl yah kuar2nya? Hm.... Hrs d pertimbangkan. Hehehe. |
Vell Signed off ♥ 10:50 PM |
Sunday, August 12, 2007 |
To be frank, my mom is a lady who's hard to please. She demands alot of things...She wants perfection out of her own kids. She doesn't know the strengths that each of us has. She only remembers our weaknesses. She always compare us with other ppl's children. Her mistake is...She doesn't know their-behind-the-scene. She only sees the good things when she's around them. Thus, her own kids will always be bad forever. She's nvr satisfied or appreciate our presence. I tear uncontrollably as Yun was telling me what mom had done to her. I felt like flying over to Jkt right at that instant and give her a hug and a pat on her head. If I were there, she wldn't have beaten her. She wldn't have pulled her ear. She wldn't made her cry so badly for several hours. Since I can't be physically there for you, you've to stand tall on your own. I'll always be here to give you moral support. This trial will end some day. Bad things happen to make you grow and not to make you quit whatever you're achieving now. Don't be troubled by what others say about you or what you've done. Just continue pressing on and succeed. Show them what you're made of, girl! Get serious with your Mandarin and piano lessons. Make all of us proud, ok? :) Love you, Yun! Jiayou! Aza aza fighting!!! |
Vell Signed off ♥ 11:36 PM |
Was in a bus home when I started thinking about the new worship song sung on Sat evening. It made me thought about God for a moment when I suddenly gazed to the sky outside the bus. I spotted something and I cldn't take my eyes off of it. For the 1st time..I saw RAINBOW in S'pore! And I suddenly thought....It must be from God! :D I don't understand why there are ppl who can accept things on this earth as if they're all along there already for all of us. Didn't it occur to them before that there is someone who had created all of those? The trees on the ground, the blue sky, the sun and moon, the animals, or even human beings! I don't believe that human comes from apes. If they were rly from apes, how come we weren't born as apes 1st from our mom's tummy before we transform ourselves into humans? The ape men theory is ridiculous. --Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love. Our God is an awesome God!-- |
Vell Signed off ♥ 10:43 PM |
Friday, August 10, 2007 |
I'm rly gonna be left alone here in S'pore coz Yun is rly gonna stay for gd at Indo. No she's not going to get stuck there. She had planned to learn Mandarin by going to China. She has taken up a Mandarin course. And she said she had signed up for piano lessons too! Gosh how I envy her. Make sure you succeed in both ok, Yun? If I were to be like that, I'm gonna be pro coz there's no sch things that'd stress me up or occupy my time. She said daddy is gonna buy her a CAR! T-T Oh man!!!! Bt it's a'ight. She can be my chauffeur when I return there. LOL. Bt she said I can use her car to practice my driving skill. Heehehehe. I can't wait. It'd be easier for us to travel when she finally can drive and has her own car, unless she needs to go out with her bf. Depending on my mom to bring us to shop is like...Better not to waste our saliva. Hahaha. Anyways....I'm all excited and looking forward to it! ^^ Cgm at Joa's hse on Thurs (S'pore national day) was sooo much fun. Took alot of pics and some videos during the cell grp games but I haven't transferred them to my laptop yet coz I haven't buy myself a card reader. Hahaha. I'm gonna get 1 of it asap, I promise myself. Hehehe. After the cgm, some of us went together to Vivo City and most of us went totally insane taking pics at Toys' R Us. Sadly, I cldn't take much pics coz I was the cameraman. LOL. It's ok though. I had lotsa fun :) It's been a long2 time since we fellowshipped together as a grp. But, it was energy consuming. Frm morning till evening. I was vry tired and got sort of gloomy. Perhaps it was shown from my face, but I didn't wanna ruin the happiness of everyone else's. Belle asked me to sing during her 21st b'day on Nov. So shy! She said Jiayi told her that I cld sing well. Thx for the compliment :) Bt to sing in front of lots of ppl, I'll get stage fright X( Bt...I'm kindda excited about it. Hehehe. I might be singing a duet with Gary (a guy whom I known a few yrs back frm TP bt hadn't talk in person before). Hope I'd know what song I'm gonna sing soon. Hehehe. The only thing I'm afraid of wld be forgetting the lyrics. When I get cold feet, I tend to forget the lyric. Happened to me twice during the CHC Emerge solo vocal audition. It felt real bad -.- My dad is rly interested on selling away the condo in S'pore bt he's still waiting for the buying price by the management to increase. He has hunted for some new condos though. He told me they're building a new condo somewhere nt far away frm my current hse. I'll check it out soon since it's near my hse. Hehehe. All I've to do is walk. Now I know why he wants to sell this hse badly. He prefers somewhere more accessible. He doesn't want to walk so far to the bus stop. It's quite annoying, actually, to walk so far under the scorching sun. It gets even more irritating when u were about to reach the bus stop and the driver nvr even see u run like Speedy Gonzales, and the bus leaves u looking like a moron chasing after it. Sch has been reopened for a few mths now. Assignments' due dates are coming nearer each day. I haven't start any at all except for HR, bt the part I've done was merely a few percentage out of 100. The individual assignment will due real soon bt it's so hard for me to do coz it's more difficult for me to arrange time with JY and jul ever since I took Finance as my minor and theirs are Marketing. *Sigh* I need guidance while doing projects. And doing together with friends is much nicer than doing it alone coz it's vry efficient to ask when we have any doubts. Recently I've been meeting up with my Indo friends quite often. JY asked me if I don't get bored meeting them almost every day. And my answer is no. Hahaha. It's fun to hang out with a bunch of ppl, esp. the newly made-friends whom I can click with. And they speak the same language as me! Hehehe. I find it less tiring to communicate with them coz I think I use less of my brain to think of wad words I wanna use. It's easy to understand the jokes or teases from them and it's easy for me to make jokes too. That's why I enjoy hanging out with them even though it's often. I used to hope Yun cld join me once she returns here. Bt...oh well.... |
Vell Signed off ♥ 3:43 PM |
Sunday, August 05, 2007 |
During the cgm, Jiayi shared with us her revelation she received frm Joanne. It was something about 'ppl who likes us is the current us'...The 1 that has been transformed by God. When JY told us this, I felt like I got awaken from something. It rly makes sense. I can be accepted by the ppl around me, that's coz God has mould me. I've changed over the yrs and I feel it. My transformation isn't something like..from being a rotten egg into a gd person. I'm nt like that. I have nvr been a bad girl since young. I've nvr tried to do anything funny or unacceptable. The moulding is more on my character. I was a loner last time...I can't mix around with a big grp of ppl. I was a dumbo and cldn't defend myself when ppl tease me. I wasn't much of a fun. Bt now, I'm just different. I love to be crazy with a grp of friends. I love laughing out loudly together. Slowly, the mask I used to wear cracks bit by bit. I'm more real towards new friends. That way, I can be more sociable. Which is a gd thing :D I love to be transformed. The svc on Sat was Festival of Praise held at Kallang Indoor Stadium. Alot of churches come together to thank God for S'pore. It's always celebrated before the National Day. 3 anointed ppl came and the svc was simply great! Don Moen, Delirious and Ps. Phil Pringle. They're just awesome and powerful! Hehehe. The preaching of the Word was sort of modified by Ps. Phil into something more interesting esp. with the action he made. He was good :) Don Moen and Delirious are still as talented as ever. They led the praise and worship so well. Martin is still vry cute. Hehehe. The revelation I gt frm attending the svc was 'sometimes during our difficult times, God may seems to be asleep and not doing anything to help us through the trials. It happens so that we will wake up.' --God will make a way when there seems to be no way-- |
Vell Signed off ♥ 1:59 PM |
Friday, August 03, 2007 |
I just bought a purple bag from Charles & Keith. Spotted it while shopping with Jul n Jiayi yesterday. Without long consideration, Jul helped me reserve 1 of them and I got it today! Hahaha. I don't nd much thinking when I rly love the stuff I wanna buy. Perhaps it's b'coz I hardly have my eyes on anything while window shopping. So, once I noticed something, I'd quickly ask for opinion and when I get some support, I'll buy it. Hahaha! Thanks, daddy, for giving me a rather big amount of shopping money even though I'm left alone here without Yun. Love him alot :) And both of my parents worry for me coz I'm alone. I suddenly feel so loved by them. Hahaha. So naive to feel this way. Finally I found out the price of the h/p I wanna buy. It's quite cheap with 2-yr contract. Bt I still have to be thrifty in order to have some savings. Esp. when Jiayi's bday is around the corner. Fuiyo... I better watch my spending this mth and next. Hahaha. |
Vell Signed off ♥ 7:16 PM |
Thursday, August 02, 2007 |
Introduction |
A space filled with stories about a life of a simple, unknown girl who wishes to make it big someday. The known and the unknown, the told and the untold, will be revealed here.
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New Holy Bible NLT version, |
Blogger Mates |
Iyun, Azeana, Calvin, Huiwen, Jiayi, Juliet, Joyce, Liang, Marcus, Rebecca, Terrence, Yaowen |
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XiaXue, Kenny Sia, Rezilienz, Soul Recipe, Deviant Art, HP theme, Slides |
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